radio waves

Astronomers Detect Unusual Radio Signals From Nearby Magnetar That Are ‘Behaving in Complex Ways’

Dr. Sarah Adams

Astronomers operating the CSIRO’s Parkes radio telescope in Australia say they have detected unusual radio signals from Earth’s closest magnetar that are ...

Astronomers call for radio silence on the far side of the moon

Dr. Sarah Adams

There’s a growing and passionate call for preserving radio silence on the far side of the moon. A first-of-its-kind international symposium is ...

The explosions of stars may form mysterious, giant ‘odd radio circles’ in space, scientists say

Dr. Sarah Adams

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries, scientific advancements and more. Odd radio ...

Can stars form around black holes?

Dr. Sarah Adams

In the 1930s, when physicist and engineer Karl Jansky pointed his radio antenna towards the center of our galaxy, he detected a ...

Mysterious fast radio bursts in space keep getting stranger

Dr. Sarah Adams

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries, scientific advancements and more. Fast radio ...

See the highest-resolution image ever snapped by ALMA radio telescope

Dr. Sarah Adams

The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) has shared its highest-resolution image ever, featuring a star in the final stages of its evolution. ...

‘Peculiar’ aurora-like radio signal from sunspot discovered for the 1st time

Dr. Sarah Adams

Solar scientists have observed a stunning display of radio waves over a sunspot, and these emissions strikingly resemble auroral displays on Earth ...

Shortest ‘fast radio bursts’ ever discovered last only 1 millionth of a second

Dr. Sarah Adams

Since 2007, astronomers have been monitoring the sky for quick pulses of radio waves known as Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs). Their best ...

Signatures of alien technology could be how humanity first finds extraterrestrial life

Dr. Sarah Adams

If an alien were to look at Earth, many human technologies – from cell towers to fluorescent light bulbs – could be ...

Astronomers detect mysterious 8 billion-year-old energetic burst

Dr. Sarah Adams

By Will Dunham WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Astronomers have detected an intense flash of radio waves coming from what looks like a merger ...