
These are some of the best races to watch this RI election season

Sarah Wilson

PROVIDENCE – Comeback bids. Family feuds. At least two cops, past and present, on the hunt for legislative seats, including a major ...

Republicans advance contempt charges against Biden’s ghostwriter for refusing to turn over records

Amanda Smith

WASHINGTON (AP) — House Republicans advanced a resolution Thursday that would hold President Joe Biden’s ghostwriter in contempt of Congress for refusing ...

7 in 10 Americans think Supreme Court justices put ideology over impartiality: AP-NORC poll

Amanda Smith

WASHINGTON (AP) — A solid majority of Americans say Supreme Court justices are more likely to be guided by their own ideology ...

California floats an idea to fight shoplifting that may even affect who controls Congress

Amanda Smith

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — A California initiative to once again make shoplifting a felony for repeat offenders is developing into a contest ...

4 state school board incumbents in Utah faced GOP primary election opponents. How did they fare?

Amanda Smith

Two of four incumbent members of the Utah State Board of Education, all Republicans, appeared to lose their re-election bids in Tuesday’s ...

A key swing group is up for grabs in battleground Pennsylvania: Nikki Haley’s voters

Amanda Smith

ERIE, Pa. — Richard Speicher and Mary Gensheimer are lifelong Republicans and lifelong residents of Erie County. A yard sign that was, ...

Former Georgia officials say they’re teaming up to defend the legitimacy of elections

Amanda Smith

ATLANTA (AP) — Four prominent former officials in Georgia, which has been a major front in disinformation over the democratic process, are ...

In one affluent Atlanta suburb, Biden and Trump work to win over wary Georgia voters

Amanda Smith

FAYETTEVILLE, Ga. (AP) — President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump will meet for their first general election debate Thursday in ...

Abortion access has won when it’s been on the ballot. That’s not an option for half the states

Amanda Smith

CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) — Tucked inside the West Virginia Statehouse is a copy of a petition to lawmakers with a simple request: ...

Trump will address influential evangelicals who back him but want to see a national abortion ban

Amanda Smith

WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump is set to speak Saturday to a group of politically influential evangelicals who fiercely support him but ...