reward system

Here’s Exactly How Cocaine Makes You Ignore Your Basic Needs

Dr. Sarah Adams

Scientists may have figured out how addictive drugs like cocaine hijack the brain’s reward system to make us ignore basic needs like ...

How Drugs Hijack the Brain’s Reward System

Rachel Carter

Summary: Researchers made significant advances in understanding how drugs like cocaine and morphine disrupt the brain’s natural reward mechanisms. Their study reveals ...

Scientists Might Know Why You Feel Loopy After an All-Nighter

Rachel Carter

Northwestern University scientists may have figured out why pulling an all-nighter can leave us feeling loopy and downright giddy for days after. ...

How Cocaine Rewires Brain’s Reward System

Rachel Carter

Summary: Researchers revealed, through neuroimaging, how cocaine addiction modifies the brain’s reward evaluation system, impacting adaptive behavior. This modification explains the perplexing ...