social behavior

Teen Social Networks Influence Mental Health Disorder Spread

Rachel Carter

Summary: Researchers found that mental disorders can spread within school social networks. By analyzing data from over 700,000 Finnish ninth-graders, they discovered ...

How Gossip Shapes Cooperation – Neuroscience News

Dr. Sarah Adams

Summary: A new study explores how gossip influences cooperation and behavior. Researchers found that gossip helps maintain social order by spreading information ...

Physics Proves Old Saying Right: Friends and Foes Unveiled

Dr. Sarah Adams

Summary: Researchers, using statistical physics, have validated the “enemy of my enemy is my friend” axiom. The researchers applied advanced network modeling ...

Predicting Human Behavior and How We Can Change It

Rachel Carter

Summary: Researchers identify effective behavior change interventions across different crises, such as pandemics and climate change. The study found that common approaches ...

Autism Social Difficulties Linked to Specific Gene

Dr. Sarah Adams

Summary: Researchers shed light on the genetic underpinnings of social behavior, focusing on the gene GTF2I’s role in Williams syndrome and its ...

Serotonin and Dopamine Play Key Role in Social Decisions

Dr. Sarah Adams

Summary: A new study unveiled the intricate role of dopamine and serotonin in social decision-making, using Parkinson’s disease patients as subjects. Through ...

Shaping Empathy: Adult Brains Can Learn Compassion

Rachel Carter

Summary: Empathy, often considered a fixed trait, has been shown to be malleable in adults, influenced by observing the empathetic reactions of ...

Ketamine’s Key to Unlocking Social Bonding in Depression

Rachel Carter

Summary: Researchers made a significant breakthrough in understanding how ketamine treats depression-related social impairments, focusing on the drug’s effects in the mouse ...

People Likely to Conceal Contagious Sickness for Social Commitments

Rachel Carter

Summary: A significant number of people, including healthcare workers, conceal infectious illnesses to maintain their work and social commitments. The study, involving ...

Infant Brain Development and Social Interactions

Rachel Carter

Summary: A new study delves into infant brain development and its impact on social interactions and stress recovery during the first year ...