solar system

Our solar system could soon have a ninth planet – and no, it’s not Pluto

Dr. Sarah Adams

There could be a ninth planet in our solar system that’s lying in wait to be discovered – and no, it’s not ...

NASA warns that a giant 210 ft yacht-sized asteroid is set to pass by Earth “alarmingly close”

Dr. Sarah Adams

Asteroid 2024 LJ, a massive space rock roughly the size of a 210-foot yacht, is set to pass by Earth at a ...

Scientists discover gigantic ‘structure’ under the surface of the moon

Dr. Sarah Adams

The Moon has been a subject of awe and fascination for millennia, with its shape-shifting powers and enigmatic dark side. And though ...

Webb observations hint at giant asteroid collision in a nearby planetary system

Dr. Sarah Adams

“The James Webb Telescope: Are We Alone?” on The Whole Story With Anderson Cooper offers an inside look at the most powerful ...

Ed Stone, who led NASA’s iconic Voyager project for 50 years, dies at 88

Dr. Sarah Adams

Humanity has lost an interstellar pioneer. Ed Stone, who served as the project scientist for NASA’s groundbreaking Voyager mission from 1972 to ...

China’s lunar probe could return with answer to origins of solar system

Dr. Sarah Adams

By Eduardo Baptista BEIJING (Reuters) – China’s Chang’e-6 lunar probe looks set to begin its historic journey back to Earth from the ...

Asteroid’s puzzling moon likely formed after a sun-driven quake, study finds

Dr. Sarah Adams

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries, scientific advancements and more. Astronomers were in ...

Massive new NASA exoplanet catalog unveils 126 extreme and exotic worlds

Dr. Sarah Adams

A new catalog of 126 worlds beyond the solar system contains a cornucopia of newly discovered planets — some have extreme and ...

Asteroid-bound Psyche spacecraft fires up ion thrusters, starts cruising through space

Dr. Sarah Adams

NASA’s mission to the metal-rich asteroid 16 Psyche has fired up its ion engines and is now cruising across the solar system ...

Why we’re one step closer to understanding how Earth got its oceans (op-ed)

Dr. Sarah Adams

Space enthusiasts will know — it’s easy to get caught up in a wealth of fascinating developments, from missions to the lunar ...