Somali pirates

Somali pirates free Bangladesh-flagged vessel, MV Abdullah

David Turner

Somali pirates have released a Bangladesh-flagged vessel and its 23-member crew after a ransom was reportedly paid. The MV Abdullah was carrying ...

Somali pirates say hijacked ship MV Abdullah released after $5 million ransom was paid

Daniel Miller

(Reuters) -Somali pirates released a hijacked ship, MV Abdullah, early on Sunday after a $5 million ransom was paid, according to two ...

Are we witnessing its return off the country’s coast?

David Turner

Hijackers are once again targeting ships off Somalia’s coast and a recent spike in attacks has brought back memories from more than ...

The Indian Navy is shadowing a bulk carrier likely taken by Somali pirates in the Arabian Sea

David Turner

NEW DELHI (AP) — The Indian Navy said Saturday that it is shadowing a bulk carrier that was boarded by unknown attackers ...