Space exploration

NASA finds potentially habitable Earth-sized exoplanet, Gliese 12 b

Dr. Sarah Adams

NASA says that Gliese 12 b, about 40 light years away, could help researchers understand the habitability of other planets across the ...

SpaceX Dragon joins Mercury and Apollo capsules on display in Chicago

Dr. Sarah Adams

A twice-flown SpaceX capsule has debuted on public display next to the second Mercury spacecraft to launch an American into Earth orbit ...

Lithuania becomes 40th nation to sign Artemis Accords for moon exploration

Dr. Sarah Adams

There are now 40 nations in the United States’ moon-exploration coalition. Lithuania joined the club on Wednesday (May 15), signing NASA’s Artemis ...

Chinese state-backed company to launch space tourism flights by 2028

Dr. Sarah Adams

BEIJING (Reuters) – Chinese commercial space company CAS Space announced its “space tourism vehicle” will first fly in 2027 and travel to ...

Boeing inches closer to Starliner launch

Dr. Sarah Adams

A United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket stands on the pad the day after a launch attempt of two astronauts aboard Boeing’s ...

Mayan Intercropping Could Be Key to Food on Mars

Dr. Sarah Adams

The international space community has its sights set on humans landing on Mars by the mid-2030s, but a big question remains ...

NASA simulations show what it would be like to fall in black hole: Video

Dr. Sarah Adams

Available on YouTube, the four visualizations include explanations to guide viewers on what they’re witnessing and include 360-versions to allow viewers to ...

NASA astronaut and director Ellen Ochoa awarded Presidential Medal of Freedom

Dr. Sarah Adams

The first Hispanic woman to launch into space is now the second female astronaut to be awarded the United States’ highest honor. ...

Boeing set to launch astronauts for NASA in new capsule

Dr. Sarah Adams

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — After years of delays and stumbles, Boeing is finally poised to launch astronauts to the International Space ...

China launches Chang’e 6 lunar probe, revving up space race

Dr. Sarah Adams

WENCHANG SPACE LAUNCH SITE, China — China launched an uncrewed lunar spacecraft Friday in a first-of-its-kind mission to bring back samples from ...