
Big New PS5, PC Shooter Concord Has an Uphill Battle Ahead of It

Michael Johnson

But the reaction online to the release’s big reveal has been brutal to say the least. Many are pointing to the YouTube ...

NASA finds potentially habitable Earth-sized exoplanet, Gliese 12 b

Dr. Sarah Adams

NASA says that Gliese 12 b, about 40 light years away, could help researchers understand the habitability of other planets across the ...

Historic Aurora-Causing Sunspot Returns – Newsweek

Dr. Sarah Adams

The enormous sunspot that sparked the spectacular aurorae across the globe earlier this month is about to face toward the Earth again. ...

Did galaxies or supermassive black holes form first?

Dr. Sarah Adams

Galaxies are made up of various astronomical objects, including black holes, planets, and stars. At the core of a galaxy lies a ...

North Korean spy satellite explodes mid-air after launch

David Turner

Politics By Ryan King Published May 27, 2024, 6:07 p.m. ET North Korea’s attempt to blast a second spy satellite into orbit ...

SpaceX is now targeting Tuesday morning for Starlink launch from Cape

Dr. Sarah Adams

Brevard Space Coast launch sites rockets spaceX ULA NASA A quick look at which rockets lift off from various Brevard launch sites. ...

SpaceX rocket launch planned for Memorial Day from Cape Canaveral

Dr. Sarah Adams

Brevard Space Coast launch sites rockets spaceX ULA NASA A quick look at which rockets lift off from various Brevard launch sites. ...

Newly discovered comet brightens, grows tail as it heads toward Earth: report

Dr. Sarah Adams

US News By Steve Janoski Published May 26, 2024, 5:24 p.m. ET A newly-discovered comet is set to pass Earth in October ...

North Carolina groundskeeper Justin Clontz discovers mysterious space debris along hiking trail near Glamping Collective

Dr. Sarah Adams

US News By Richard Pollina Published May 25, 2024, 5:48 a.m. ET A glamping groundskeeper stumbled upon a bizarre space object along ...

A rare 6-planet alignment will occur next month. Here’s what to know.

Dr. Sarah Adams

This year has already amazed skygazers with a rare solar eclipse and a geomagnetic storm that caused stunning Northern Lights displays around the world, but there are still ...