
Older adults taking aspirin to prevent heart attack despite risks

Rachel Carter

Millions of older Americans are taking a daily dose of aspirin to lower their risk of having a heart attack or stroke ...

61% of US adults will have cardiovascular disease by 2050: report

Rachel Carter

61% of American adults will likely have some type of cardiovascular disease in the next 30 years as high blood pressure, diabetes ...

8 habits that may slow aging, reduce risk of death revealed

Rachel Carter

“Eight” your heart out. Researchers believe that adopting eight healthy behaviors — identified by the American Heart Association as Life’s Essential 8 ...

Plastic found in testicles and blood clots, sparking health concerns: studies

Rachel Carter

Life is plastic — not fantastic.  Three recent studies highlight the dangers of nanoplastics to health.  Microplastics are everywhere — even testicles, ...

Hot Nights Raise Stroke Risk

Rachel Carter

Summary: A new study reveals a significant link between hot nights and increased stroke risk, particularly in the elderly and women. Researchers ...

Summertime day drinking poses great risks and deadly dangers

Rachel Carter

As the weather warms and the days lengthen, many among us head to the nearest body of water — and reach for ...

Could a blood test someday be used predict whether someone will have a stroke?

Rachel Carter

BOSTON – One day, a simple blood test may help predict whether someone will suffer a stroke. Researchers at UCLA looked at ...

Cardiologists reveal best fruit to eat to boost heart health

Rachel Carter

Health By Tracy Swartz Published May 12, 2024, 4:01 p.m. ET Since fruits have different nutritional values and health benefits, several cardiologists ...

Study reveals how anger can increase heart attack, stroke risk

Rachel Carter

Health By Tracy Swartz Published May 1, 2024, 2:23 p.m. ET Blowing a fuse after recalling a stressful experience may temporarily impair ...

Extreme temperatures are tied to more than half a million stroke deaths a year. With climate change, expect more

Dr. Sarah Adams

In 2019 alone, more than half a million people died due to a stroke linked to high and low temperatures, a new ...