Tang Shengjie

China’s Shenzhou 17 astronauts return to Earth after 6 months in space (video)

Dr. Sarah Adams

Three Chinese astronauts returned to Earth today (April 30) after six months in the final frontier. The Shenzhou 17 spacecraft touched down ...

Watch Chinese astronauts get haircuts aboard Tiangong space station (video)

Dr. Sarah Adams

China’s Shenzhou 17 astronauts have been taking care of grooming alongside their on-orbit obligations. Mission commander Tang Hongbo and rookie crewmates Tang ...

China launches new 3-astronaut crew to Tiangong space station

Dr. Sarah Adams

China’s youngest crew so far is on its way to the Tiangong space station. A Long March 2F rocket lifted off from ...

China launches 3-man crew to Tiangong space station

Dr. Sarah Adams

China launched a fresh three-man crew to the Tiangong space station Thursday morning to replace three other “taikonauts” who are wrapping up ...

China announces plan for a new space telescope as it readies to launch its next space station crew

Dr. Sarah Adams

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — China announced plans on Wednesday to send a new telescope to probe deep into the universe as it ...