Tectonic Plates

Scientists discover what gave birth to Earth’s unbreakable continents –

Dr. Sarah Adams

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — The Earth beneath our feet may feel solid, stable, and seemingly eternal. But the continents we call home are ...

Scientists Propose a New Continental Formation Theory

Dr. Sarah Adams

A new study by Penn State researchers suggests that cratons, ancient structures stabilizing Earth’s continents, formed around 3 billion years ago through ...

When Oceans Close – New Study Suggests the Atlantic Will “Soon” Enter Its Declining Phase

Sarah Wilson

A study predicts the extension of the Gibraltar Strait subduction zone into the Atlantic, potentially creating an Atlantic ring of fire in ...

The Earth’s tectonic plates made the Himalayas — and could rip them apart

Dr. Sarah Adams

In the heart of Asia, deep underground, two huge tectonic plates are crashing into each other — a violent but slow-motion bout ...

Volcanic eruption lights up the night in Iceland after weeks of earthquake warnings − a geologist explains what’s happening

Dr. Sarah Adams

Lava erupted through a fissure in Iceland’s Reykjanes Peninsula on Dec. 18, 2023, shooting almost 100 feet (30 meters) in the air ...

Volcanic Iceland is rumbling again as magma rises − a geologist explains eruptions in the land of fire and ice

Dr. Sarah Adams

Thousands of earthquakes in recent weeks have shaken the Icelandic fishing town of Grindavík, about 30 miles (50 kilometers) southwest of the ...

450-Million-Year-Old Diamonds Reveal Secrets of the Evolution of Earth

Dr. Sarah Adams

Ancient superdeep diamonds from Brazil and Western Africa, formed between 650 and 450 million years ago beneath the supercontinent Gondwana, have offered ...