undocumented migrants

Questions grow about how Biden’s border action will work without new funding

Amanda Smith

McAllen, Texas — Twenty-four hours after President Biden announced his new executive action on the southwest border, migrants expressed confusion and U.S. ...

South Africa election 2024: ‘You see skeletons’

David Turner

Many migrants risk all to reach South Africa, making a notoriously dangerous journey across the border from Zimbabwe. Having fled poverty and ...

Italy’s migrant detention centers in spotlight after death of Guinean and calls to close them down

David Turner

ROME (AP) — Pressure is building on authorities in Italy to close a notorious Rome migrant detention center where a 19-year-old Guinean ...

Senate to vote next week on bipartisan border bill, Schumer says

Amanda Smith

The US Senate will vote next week on a bipartisan bill that would strengthen security at the US-Mexico border and also provide ...

House Republicans accuse Biden administration of obscuring migrant crisis

Amanda Smith

WASHINGTON — House Republican leaders are asking the Biden administration for records involving GOP members’ recent visit to the southwestern border, suggesting ...

No good answers for Biden as voters recoil over border crossings

Amanda Smith

WASHINGTON — Worried about the large numbers of people crossing the border from Mexico, Rep. Henry Cuellar of Texas went to White ...