University of Minnesota

Brain’s Self-Organization is Key to Development

Rachel Carter

Summary: A new study reveals that the brain’s cortex can self-organize during development, transforming unorganized inputs into highly structured activity patterns. This ...

How bad is the bird flu in Michigan and what does it mean for eggs, milk?

Rachel Carter

Lansing State Journal staff  |  Lansing State Journal What we know about human bird flu cases and our food Can I catch ...

Hunters died after eating infected venison

Rachel Carter

The recent report of two hunters who developed neurological diseases after eating infected deer meat has scientists concerned that ‘zombie deer disease’ ...

North Dakota man, Jackson Allard, needs double lung transplant after years of vaping

Rachel Carter

News By Nicholas McEntyre Published Jan. 21, 2024, 3:21 a.m. ET A North Dakota man was given a 1% chance of survival ...

Casey Dorr works to inspire the next generation of Indigenous scientists

Amanda Smith

Dec. 9—BEMIDJI — Without anyone in his family already in the field, when Casey Dorr first decided he wanted to become a ...

Scientists Discover Even More Reasons To Eat Fiber

Rachel Carter

Recent research emphasizes the health benefits of insoluble fiber, revealing that plant sources of this fiber contain unique bioactives. These bioactives are ...