
Highly Pathogenic H5N1 Avian Flu Detected in New York City Wild Birds

Rachel Carter

A recent study published in the Journal of Virology reveals that a small number of wild birds in New York City carry ...

Unusual Giant Virus Discovered in Austria

Rachel Carter

University of Vienna researchers have discovered viruses, named Naegleriavirus, that infect the dangerous Naegleria fowleri, offering new insights into virus biology and ...

CDC Warns of Cow-to-Human Transmission of H5N1 Bird Flu in Texas

Rachel Carter

By C Raina MacIntyre, Ashley Quigley, Haley Stone, Matthew Scotch, and Rebecca Dawson April 8, 2024 The CDC issued a health alert ...

The Invisible Sculptor of COVID-19 Revealed

Rachel Carter

A team from the University of California, Riverside has made significant progress in understanding the SARS-CoV-2 virus by studying the M protein. ...

Bizarre Virus-like ‘Obelisks’ Found in Human Mouths and Guts

Rachel Carter

Our mouths and guts are teeming with mysterious somethings that are unknown to science, new research suggests. A team says they’ve discovered ...

Scientists Shocked by First-Ever Observation of a Virus Latching Onto Another – “I Can’t Believe This”

Rachel Carter

Researchers discovered a unique viral interaction where a satellite bacteriophage physically attaches to a helper bacteriophage. This groundbreaking finding, originating from what ...

Vampiric Viruses ‘Bite’ Other Viruses for Survival

Rachel Carter

Viruses are somehow even weirder than we thought. In a recent study published last month, scientists say they’ve discovered two new viruses ...

The Viral Residue Connection to Long COVID Symptoms

Rachel Carter

Research from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania has found a link between decreased serotonin levels and patients ...

Brace for Yellow Fever Resurgence in U.S.

Rachel Carter

Infectious disease experts from Baylor College of Medicine and Stanford School of Medicine, in a publication in the New England Journal of ...