
Fresh Lava Flows on Venus Hint at Active Volcanoes

Dr. Sarah Adams

The surface of Venus is littered with thousands of volcanoes, some of which may still be active until today. A fresh look ...

Giant Volcano and Hidden Ice Challenge Old Theories

Dr. Sarah Adams

Figure 1: A giant volcano hiding in plain sight in one of Mars’ most iconic regions.The newly discovered giant volcano on Mars ...

“Chill Factor” – The Volcanic Plot Twist in Dinosaur Extinction

Dr. Sarah Adams

Recent research suggests that volcanic eruptions, causing global cooling, significantly contributed to the dinosaurs’ extinction, challenging the long-held belief that a meteorite ...

Looming volcano eruption in Iceland leaves evacuated small town in limbo: “The lava is under our house”

David Turner

Thousands of earthquakes have struck Iceland this week as researchers found evidence that magma is rising to the ground surface, prompting fears ...

Mystery of Volcanic Tsunami Solved After 373 Years

Dr. Sarah Adams

Scientists used modern imaging techniques to study the 1650 Kolumbo underwater volcano eruption, revealing that a landslide followed by an eruption caused ...