West Antarctic Ice Sheet

Antarctic Tipping Point That Occurred 8,000 Years Ago ‘Could Happen Again’

Dr. Sarah Adams

As European Union scientists confirmed that last month continued a worrying trend of historically high temperatures, U.K. researchers released a study Thursday ...

Scientists discover an alarming change in Antarctica’s past that could spell devastating future sea level rise

Dr. Sarah Adams

Evidence from a 2,000-foot-long ice core reveals that the West Antarctic Ice Sheet shrank suddenly and dramatically around 8,000 years ago, according ...

Octopus DNA reveals collapse of Antarctic ice sheet is “close”

Dr. Sarah Adams

Scientists investigating how Antarctica’s ice sheets retreated in the deep past have turned to an innovative approach: studying the genes of octopuses ...

Octopus DNA seems to confirm scientists’ theory about a long-standing geological mystery

Dr. Sarah Adams

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries, scientific advancements and more. A study of ...

On the cusp of global climate talks, UN chief Guterres visits crucial Antarctica

Dr. Sarah Adams

KING GEORGE ISLAND, Antarctica (AP) — United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres arrived Thursday at the bottom of the world on the cusp ...

Even with carbon emissions cuts, a key part of Antarctica is doomed to slow collapse, study says

Dr. Sarah Adams

No matter how much the world cuts back on carbon emissions, a key and sizable chunk of Antarctica is essentially doomed to ...

Meltdown of West Antarctic Ice Sheet unavoidable, study says

Dr. Sarah Adams

By Gloria Dickie The West Antarctic Ice Sheet will continue to melt this century regardless of how much the world slashes planet-warming ...

Comprehensive study of West Antarctic Ice Sheet finds collapse may be unavoidable

Dr. Sarah Adams

The most comprehensive effort yet to predict how global warming will affect the West Antarctic Ice Sheet has found there is little ...