
Youth caregivers are on the rise, but recognition and support aren’t.

Rachel Carter

Here and now: Help for caregivers For seven years, Pat Bailey and her siblings were caregivers during their mother’s Alzheimer’s battle. Fox ...

Scientists Identify 8 Lifestyle Factors That Can Slow Biological Aging

Rachel Carter

Recent research indicates that maintaining a heart-healthy lifestyle can positively impact biological aging and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and related ...

Ketones May Help Reverse Cognitive Decline

Rachel Carter

Summary: As we age, our brain naturally becomes more insulin resistant, disrupting neuron communication and leading to cognitive decline and neurodegeneration. Researchers ...

8 habits that may slow aging, reduce risk of death revealed

Rachel Carter

“Eight” your heart out. Researchers believe that adopting eight healthy behaviors — identified by the American Heart Association as Life’s Essential 8 ...

Study Links Key Nutrients to Slower Brain Aging

Rachel Carter

A novel study highlights the critical role of specific nutrients found in the Mediterranean diet in promoting brain health and slowing cognitive ...

He Solved a Medical Mystery and Finds a Key to Alzheimer’s Disease in Simple Amino Acid

Rachel Carter

A view over Guam’s coastal towns – Dorothy CC 2.0. For over decade, big pharma has been pouring billions into drug trials ...

Nostalgic Music Affects the Brain and Memory

Rachel Carter

Summary: Nostalgic music activates brain areas linked to memory, reward, and self-processing. This discovery could help improve the quality of life for ...

Dehydration Impairs Attention in Middle-Aged Adults

Rachel Carter

Summary: Mild dehydration can impair sustained attention in middle-aged and older adults, though it doesn’t affect other cognitive functions. The study involved ...

Mediterranean Diet May Slow Brain Aging

Rachel Carter

Summary: A new study finds that specific nutrients, similar to those found in the Mediterranean diet, may play a crucial role in ...

Are you aging prematurely? 7 signs to look for throughout the whole body

Rachel Carter

Aging is a natural process that, despite our best efforts and advances in technology, happens no matter what. While the age we ...