Colorado State University

Meet Loki, Triceratops’ ‘heavy metal rocker’ cousin

Dr. Sarah Adams

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries, scientific advancements and more. For more than ...

Florida faces hectic hurricane season. Can science say who will get hit in coming months?

Amanda Smith

The bottom line of every preseason hurricane forecast this spring has been sobering, even a little scary. Meteorologists and their computer models ...

NOAA issues highest-ever May forecast for the coming hurricane season

Dr. Sarah Adams

In the highest hurricane season forecast they have ever released in May, National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration forecasters said Thursday that the ...

Why are 99 Cents Only Stores closing? The state of dollar stores today

Jessica Roberts

Are dollar discount stores a benefit or hindrance to local economies? This video explores the debate around Single Price Overstock/Discount Stores, such ...

Early hurricane season forecast suggests extremely high number of storms

Dr. Sarah Adams

Early forecasts for the upcoming Atlantic hurricane season suggest it could be extreme, perhaps even record-breaking. Colorado State University, a prominent hurricane ...

What’s causing severe respiratory illnesses in dogs?

Dr. Sarah Adams

Veterinarians across the country are scrambling to treat the rising number of dogs sick with a severe type of respiratory illness. At ...

Why your weather forecasts may soon become more accurate

Dr. Sarah Adams

A new computer model to predict the weather built by Google and powered by artificial intelligence consistently outperforms and is many times ...

How some tourists braved Hurricane Otis in Acapulco

David Turner

Dozens dead after Hurricane Otis rips through parts of Mexico Mexican authorities say dozens have been killed following Hurricane Otis’ landfall. Thousands ...

Hurricane Norma and Hurricane Tammy: Both storms approach land

David Turner

October has a history of producing major hurricanes AccuWeather experts say October has more storm development close to the U.S putting places ...