Food & Drink

Ozempic tongue? How the drug can change some women’s ability to taste

Rachel Carter

There’s Ozempic finger, Ozempic breasts, Ozempic face, Ozempic butt … and now, Ozempic tongue? Semaglutide — a popular weekly injection used for diabetes and weight ...

Flavonoid-rich foods, drinks linked to lower diabetes risk

Rachel Carter

This news may make your day matcha better. Consuming a lot of flavonoid-rich foods and drinks such as green tea, berries and ...

8 habits that may slow aging, reduce risk of death revealed

Rachel Carter

“Eight” your heart out. Researchers believe that adopting eight healthy behaviors — identified by the American Heart Association as Life’s Essential 8 ...

Introducing peanuts early reduces kids’ allergy risk: study

Rachel Carter

They cracked the case. Kids exposed to peanut products during infancy, as early as 4 months old, are less likely to be ...

Rise and grind? Experts reveal the best time to drink coffee

Rachel Carter

Better latte than never? With some TikTokers blaming their mid-afternoon energy crashes on drinking coffee first thing in the morning, researchers are ...

Drinking hot chocolate can help you lose weight, health coach says — here’s how

Rachel Carter

This news is sweet. Hot chocolate — a treat some believe to be the bane of a clean diet —  could actually help ...

Wendy’s offering 1-cent burgers for an entire week for National Burger Day

Jessica Roberts

It’s not a steal, it’s a hamburglary. Wallet-weary fast food fans have the chance to save big on burgers: In honor of ...

Dietitian reveals cow’s milk, soy milk to be healthiest milks

Rachel Carter

Skim, coconut, cashew, almond, oat, soy — store shelves are rich with milk options these days. Now, a registered dietitian is naming which ...

‘Extremely painful’ ice-chewing risks revealed by dentists

Rachel Carter

Oh, hail no! Dentists are sharing the risks of chewing ice, warning that it can lead to chipped or fractured teeth and ...

Summertime day drinking poses great risks and deadly dangers

Rachel Carter

As the weather warms and the days lengthen, many among us head to the nearest body of water — and reach for ...