hurricane season

Will a Florida hurricane take your name in 2024? Check out the list of storm names

Amanda Smith

The 2024 Atlantic hurricane season has only just begun, and we already have Alberto. The tropical storm formed in the Gulf of ...

Florida’s 2024 hurricane season arrives with a rainy deluge

Dr. Sarah Adams

Dangerous flooding from a tropical disturbance inundated much of southern Florida on Wednesday, blocking roads, floating vehicles and delaying the Florida Panthers ...

Score two bright, water-resistant flashlights on sale for $6 each

Olivia Martin

Hurricane season begins in June, and 2024’s yet-to-materialize storms already have names. Whether Alberto, Beryl, Chris or Debby ends up barreling your ...

Florida faces hectic hurricane season. Can science say who will get hit in coming months?

Amanda Smith

The bottom line of every preseason hurricane forecast this spring has been sobering, even a little scary. Meteorologists and their computer models ...

NOAA issues highest-ever May forecast for the coming hurricane season

Dr. Sarah Adams

In the highest hurricane season forecast they have ever released in May, National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration forecasters said Thursday that the ...