University of Cambridge

Cambridge study shows regulatory T cells can cut organ transplant risk, boost hair regrowth: All about the ‘healer army’

Rachel Carter

A new study by Cambridge University scientists revealed promising information about regulatory T cells, a type of white blood cells that combat ...

Overturning Traditional Beliefs – Cambridge Scientists Have Discovered “New Rules of the Immune System”

Rachel Carter

Researchers at the University of Cambridge have discovered that regulatory T cells form a single, mobile population that patrols the entire body ...

The University of Cambridge returns 39 traditional artifacts to Uganda in a major act of restitution

David Turner

KAMPALA, Uganda (AP) — The University of Cambridge has repatriated more than three dozen traditional artifacts to Uganda in a major act ...

Sleep’s Early Warning Signs of Autoimmune Disease

Rachel Carter

Researchers from the University of Cambridge and King’s College London have found that increased nightmares and hallucinations may signal the onset of ...

Revolutionary “Quartet Nanocage” Vaccine Effective Against Coronaviruses That Haven’t Even Emerged Yet

Rachel Carter

Researchers have developed a groundbreaking vaccine technology, termed ‘proactive vaccinology,’ that trains the immune system to recognize specific regions of various coronaviruses, ...

Wrap Around Spinal Cord Device May Transform Injury Treatment

Rachel Carter

Summary: Researchers developed a groundbreaking electronic device that wraps around the spinal cord, offering a new method for treating spinal injuries without ...

AI “Deadbots” Could Digitally “Haunt” Loved Ones From Beyond the Grave

Michael Johnson

Cambridge researchers warn of the psychological dangers of ‘deadbots,’ AI that mimics deceased individuals, urging for ethical standards and consent protocols to ...

Tiny Robotic Nerve Cuffs Promise Breakthrough in Neurocare

Rachel Carter

Summary: Researchers developed innovative, flexible devices that can gently wrap around nerve fibers, potentially transforming the diagnosis and treatment of neurological disorders. ...

Cambridge Scientists Unveil New Theory on Origins of Life’s Building Blocks

Dr. Sarah Adams

Researchers at Cambridge University have identified a process called graphitization, which they theorize could produce essential life-building molecules like proteins, phospholipids, and ...

Imperfect Harmony: Rethinking Pythagoras’ Musical Consonance

Dr. Sarah Adams

Summary: New research challenges Pythagoras’s ancient theory on musical consonance, revealing our preference for slight imperfections in chords rather than the perfect ...